Depending on the type of article and subject covered, manuscripts should include the following:
Figures should be clear, easy to read and of good quality. It should be in the text at appropriate place (not at the end or as separate attachment). The number and title should be below the figure and Styles and font size should match those in the main body of the article. Units should be placed next to variables in parentheses. *Where table(s) and figure(s) do not belong to author(s), appropriate citation(s) should be included.
7. Discussion
The discussion section should clearly discuss the result with facts supporting or not supporting author(s) findings. Repetition of results in the section should be avoided. Sentences should be simple and complete.
8. Conclusion / Recommendation
This should be the summary of the important findings. Suggestions (recommendations) may be presented with reference to the findings of the study.
9. Acknowledgements
The acknowledgments of people, grants, funds etc. should be briefly represented. It should be at the end of the paper, not in a footnote.
10. References
The references should be cited in the text by author’s name and date.
[e.g.: Where the author is single: Nwaopara (2011) or (Nwaopara, 2011). Where there are two authors (Nwaopara and Akpamu, 2011) or more than two authors: (Nwaopara et al., 2011)].
The list of references containing full details of authors surname and initials should be in an alphabetical order as follows:
11. Author(s) contributions
Author(s) contributions should be briefly stated in this section.
12. Submission formats
Manuscripts should be submitted in MS Word.
Electronic submission of manuscripts is strongly encouraged, provided that the text, tables, and figures are included in a single Microsoft Word file (preferably in Times New Roman or Arial font).
13. Review process
All manuscripts will be peer reviewed to ensure accuracy and relevance after being reviewed by the editor and members of the editorial board. Decisions will be made as rapidly as possible.
We will look forward to the submission of your next manuscript
For Authors
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